Global Studies: International Economic Policy
Students are strongly encouraged to develop proficiency in economics with either a minor or double major (see Economics department listings for requirements).
Note: Within the concentration, the eight units selected from three or more departments.
Eight units, including:
International Economics or Finance
Three units, chosen from:
ECON210 The Economics of the European Union
ECON211 Economic Development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
ECON215 International Monetary Economics
ECON310 International Trade: Causes, Consequences, and Controversies
ECON315 International Macroeconomics
FIN462 International Financial Management
Or, another upper level courses in international economics with approval of GSIEP advisors
Global Power and Politics
Two units from two different departments, chosen from:
ANTH328 Anthropology of Human Rights
GEOG320 Power, Space, and Territory: Geographies of Political Change
GEOG345/SUST345 Global Sustainability: Society, Economy, Nature
HIST236 Russian Empire, Soviet Union and After
HIST271 The Modern Middle East
HIST290 Britain and the World
HIST291 Histories of Public Health and Biomedicine in the Global South
HIST392 Humanitarianism and Development
PLSC250 Introduction to International Relations
PLSC350 American Foreign Policy
PLSC351 Globalization
PLSC353 International Security
PLSC356 International Political Economy
PLSC359 Global Governance
PLSC360 International Development Policy
SOC331 Across the Pond: Europe vs. USA
Regional Courses
These courses focus on a specific region or country in order to emphasize the importance of culture and historical and cultural context in global interactions, both economic and otherwise. Students must take two units, chosen from the list of Regional Courses.One additional unit chosen from courses above.