Global Studies: Politics and Governance
The concentration is comprised of eight units selected from at least three departments and in the following categories
Diplomacy and World Order
Two units, chosen from:
ANTH328 Anthropology of Human Rights
ENVR366 International Environmental Law
GEOG320 Power, Space, and Territory: Geographies of Political Change
HIST215 United States and the World Since 1945
HIST249 Cold War Europe, 1945-1991
HIST290 British Empire and the World
HIST341 History and Memory: WWII in East Asia
PLSC250 Intro to International Relations
PLSC350 American Foreign Policy
PLSC353 International Security
PLSC359 Global Governance
RHCS359 Media and War
Economic Integration or Interdependence
Two units, chosen from:
ECON105 Introduction to Global Economics
ECON210 The Economics of the European Union
ECON211 Economic Development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
ECON310 International Trade and Finance
HIST390 Food and Power in Africa and Asia
GEOG345/SUST345 Global Sustainability: Society, Economy and Nature
GEOG370 Geographies of Economic Development and Globalization
PLSC351 Globalization
SOC306 Social Change in a Global Perspective
SOC335 Feast and Famine: Inequalities in the Global Food System
Regional Courses
Two units focused on the same world region selected from regional courses or study abroad.
Additional Concentration Electives
Two units chosen from the areas above.